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Wowan, Queensland

Wowan image

In its heyday, Wowan was the dairy capital of the region. With more than 600 farmers on the job, the Dawson Valley Dairy Cooperative was topped up daily with fresh supplies of full cream milk, ready to ship off to towns and cities as far away as England. Wowan flourished as a result. The population grew and along with it came shops, churches, halls, a school, bowls club and even a golf course. Not bad for a place that started out as a rail camp! However, in the late 1960s the dairy industry soured. Other agri industries moved in, mostly beef cattle and grain, buying up the land and changing the face of commercial operations. The business centre shifted to Moura and Biloela and eventually, many of the locals did too. But the old butter factory was left standing and today, thanks to its heritage and the humble cow, Wowan is definitely a place you’re going to want to visit.

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