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Baralaba, Queensland

Baralaba image

Old fashioned values and friendly townsfolk are the hallmarks of Baralaba. Those traits and a stubborn streak for sticking around. More than a century of economic upheaval has threatened the town on many an occasion, but Baralaba locals are a stoic lot. Like Mount Ramsay, the landmark from which the town derives its name, the 500 residents are steadfast and here to stay. Neighbours working together have kept the town thriving through thick and thin, floods and droughts, booms and busts. Coal mining first founded Baralaba back in 1901. Gold mining operations saw Mount Morgan Mine established in 1921, forging the way for other industries to move in, such as cattle and crop farming – sorghum, wheat and cotton in the main.

  • Postcode: 4702
  • Area: 1539.98 km2
  • LGA: Banana Council
  • Population: 479
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